Saturday, 30 July 2016

Introducing Structure - Day Two

Nighttime Waking

As I mentioned in Day One Ella wakes me on average 5 times overnight to feed back to sleep.  She doesn't need the food, she just wants the comfort and no amount of back rubbing, hand holding or face stroking will cut it.
As this was technically our first nighttime following the 'new' routine I was expecting chaos, but I was pleasantly surprised!  Ella first woke to feed at 1.04am (this is usual on a 'good' night) and she settled straight back off to sleep on the boob.  The next time she woke was at 4.08am and sadly it took 2 feeds totaling 45 minutes before I could finally go back to sleep.  The next time she woke was at about 7.20am.  It's not the best night we have ever had, but it was pretty darn good!

9.45am First Nap

Getting up at 7.30am is kind of a new experience for me with Ella, I can usually coax her to a few more hours (if I give enough feeds) but the fact that most days I'm still not dressed at 11am has been driving me crazy for a while.  The early start meant that not only could I get myself, the dogs and Ella fed and ready at a sensible time, I also managed to catch up on a tiny bit of house-work!  It was all going so well until the first nap time rolled round.
At about 9.45am I took her up to our room and pulled the curtains, she was due a feed and so I fed her, she was starting to drift off after 15 minutes so I popped her off.  During this winding she became wide awake and this time when I tried to settle her down the screaming started immediately, my tiny daughter seemed already wise to my games.
As before I let her whine, scream and rage for an hour (with me doing my best to soothe her without picking her up) before I figured she better have a calorie top up to replenish those lost in her diva antics.  This time she only lasted 7 minutes before falling asleep, I burped and placed her back in the cot and although I got another glare from my troubles she went straight back off to sleep.
She napped for only 30 minutes and I figured this was fine.

3.15pm Second Nap

We were really late for the second nap (by an hour and 45 minutes!) but in my defence I'm flying solo at the moment and we had to go to the shops, make lunch and we've just started baby led weaning which takes forever and has to be timed between feeds and naps.  There was a point after she'd fed her face with puree that she was getting drowsy in her high chair and we even reclined it in the hopes that she would fall asleep, she didn't.
When I took her upstairs I had to place her in our bed as the sheets from her cot were being washed due to her rage induced vomit fest during nap 1.  Ella started pulling all her charms out of the bag, cooing, 'talking' and stroking my arm.  When it became apparent that this wasn't going to work the meltdown started.  I'll admit I weakened and could only cope with 30 minutes of her screams, she was looking at me so heart broken that I just couldn't bear it.  Ella only fed for 5 minutes before being so drowsy that I popped her off, skipped the winding and placed her on our bed (surrounded by pillows to stop her rolling)  I still felt so guilty that I just couldn't leave her and instead sat on the bed with her for almost an hour.
I did manage to maneuver myself off the bed eventually and go downstairs without her waking, in total she slept for over 2 hours, she clearly needed it.

7.10pm Bedtime

In the hopes that solid food may help her sleep better we managed to get her to eat again at about 6.20pm but this sadly meant that our usual 6.30pm bath and bed was severely pushed back.  Ella was in a great mood during her bath and I even managed to distract her to avoid the usual meltdown that happens when she's put in her sleepsuit and Grobag.
We fed for 17 minutes before she was getting drowsy and this time burping her produced nothing.  We then read a 5 minute story and yet again she was wide awake, this time however she did not settle to sleep within a few minutes and we are now 35 minutes in to protesting with whiny cries/screams and showing no sign of letting up anytime soon :(

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